Bus Information
Morning schedules are a little confusing and you would be best to check with your nearest neighbour concerning stops, times etc.
In the afternoon 3 buses service the school:
a) Kiripaka Rd/Ngunguru Ford Rd.
b) Pataua/Glenbervie
c) Harris Rd/Whareora Rd
Three points of importance emerge when considering the bus services:
1. Any suggestions for alterations or extensions to services should be made in the first instance to the Bus Controller at the school.
2. Please advise the school if there is to be a change to the way your child normally goes home.
3. The use of the school bus is a privilege, not a right. Children must behave sensibly and in line with school guidelines both on the bus and at bus stops.
The bus driver is to be listened to at all times.
There is a 'Transport Policy' and Bus Route available from the school office.
Glenbervie School bus routes and timetables are listed below.
Morning Run: The bus comes in from Ngunguru and picks up students along the way, including children down Ngunguru Ford Rd. The bus arrives at Glenbervie School at approximately 7.55am.
Afternoon Run: The bus leaves Glenbervie School at 2.30pm to deliver Glenbervie students along Ngunguru Rd, stopping at Ngunguru Ford Rd, then returning to town along Ngunguru Rd.
Morning Run: Starts at Hall Road (7.20am), Pataua and travels along Pataua Road, onto Whareora Road, picking up all High School, Intermediate School and Glenbervie School students; along Harris Road to Glenbervie School, arriving at 7.55am, then on to Tikipunga High School (THS) (8.05am). It does not pick up any students along Harris Road.
Afternoon Run: Leaves Glenbervie 2.30pm. Travels along Harris Road (does not drop off any students) and then turns left in Whareora Road, onto Pataua North Road, dropping off children along road as far as Beeson’s gate. The bus then returns to THS to pick up Intermediate and High School students.
Whareora/Harris Road
Morning Run: Starts at Clapham Rd, picking up Glenbervie, Kamo Intermediate (KIS) & Kamo High (KHS) students from Clapham Road onward (7.40am). Bus travels down Harris Rd picking up all Glenbervie, KIS & KHS students. Arrives at Glenbervie (8.00am).
Bus then returns down Harris Rd picking up Whangarei Girls High (WGHS), Whangarei Boys High (WBHS), & Whangarei Intermediate (WIS) students. Turns right into Whareora Rd and travels to Clapham Rd picking up WGHS, WBHS, & WIS students. From Clapham Rd (8.15am) the bus travels to the WGHS & WBHS bus bay, arriving (8.25am).
Afternoon Run: Departs Glenbervie School 2.30pm and travels along Harris Rd, dropping children off, turns right into Whareora Rd and travels to Clapham Rd (2.55pm), dropping children off along way. Bus continues to WGHS & WBHS bus bay (3.15pm). Picks up WGHS, WBHS & WIS students who live before Harris Rd intersection and travels along Whareora Rd, down Harris Rd and back to Glenbervie School.
There is no charge for this service.
NB: pm runs:
• The KHS & KIS students who catch the Whareora Rd morning bus; will need to catch the transfer bus in the afternoon to THS and board the Pataua bus.
• The WGHS, WBHS & WIS students who live between Harris Rd turn off and Pataua will need to catch the Tikipunga link bus to THS and then transfer to the Pataua bus at THS.