Leadership Opportunities for Seniors

Glenbervie School provides many leadership opportunities for students.

House Leaders:

At the beginning of each new year, Year 6 students are invited to apply to be House Leaders. Applicants are required to write a speech, which they present to their house (Weka, Ruru, Tui or Kea). The students of each house then vote for their preferred leaders. The roles and responsibilities of House Leaders include: being positive role models, organising sporting events and house competitions, helping the younger students and consistently demonstrating the school values.

Peer Mediators:

Peer Mediators are open to all Year 5 and 6 students. This is a volunteer role, which is seen as a great way to “give back” to our school community. Peer Mediators receive training (which is linked to KiVa, our anti-bullying programme) and are required to give up some of their own lunch times to support the duty teachers. They learn to be active listeners and problem solvers, helping younger students to solve minor issues.

Physical Activity Leaders:

Physical Activity Leaders (PALs) are open to all Year 5 and 6 students. Students work in small teams and take full responsibility to organise and run sports and games during lunch times (with the support of a duty teacher). This is a volunteer role and is a great way for students to develop leadership and organisational skills.

Bus Monitors: 

This opportunity is available to Year 6 students. The bus monitors are responsible for making sure that the children are safe on the bus. They communicate any issues back to their teachers. 


All senior children are given the opportunity to become a librarian. They take turns to help issue books at lunchtime and make sure the library is kept tidy. 

Social Response Committee: 

The Social Response Committee is in charge of organising events and fundraising at Glenbervie School. All Senior Syndicate children are allowed to put their names forward for this position.